The Return of Star Wars Strikes Back








I’ve just emerged from my first screening of Episode VII, and the last 2.5 hours are a bit of a blur. I literally have a headache from all the emotions welled up inside of me, and I’m desperate to digest it all—to remember it all, even—so I need to write about it. This won’t be a review per se but rather my reactions to it all. Continue reading

There’s No Such Thing as Self-Editing (and Other Reasons Indie Culture Sucks)







One year ago, I decided to learn the ins and outs of self-publishing.

I spent months reading, devouring various forums and blogs, listening to hours upon hours of podcasts. I studied the industry, the market, the nuts and bolts of production and sales through online retailers.

I decided to gain some hands-on experience by self-publishing a guinea pig project—a cute piece of pulp fantasy called Southwind Knights­—and I even ended up committing to nine installments in a series.

The idea was to gain relevant knowledge, connections, and experience in preparation for publishing my masterwork, the door-stopper novel I’ve been dreaming up since 2009. When that project was ready, I wanted to be ready as well. I’d have a platform (albeit small). I’d know some book reviewers. I’d understand how to promote and interact.

I learned a ton, and at first I loved it.

Now I don’t.

Ready for a rant?

Continue reading

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